Monthly Archives: March 2010

Something By Me……..

Pre production for TRYST, the new flick which starts shooting in 3 weeks, is roaring ahead which has left little time for cinematic ramblings of any kind. Things will be back to normal in May when I plan to take a couple of weeks off and post relentless, half baked opinion on whatever I’m watching.

In the meantime it’ll probably be snippets and guys with beards…… I like a good beard on a man don’t you?

I recently set up a Vimeo account to post stuff not currently with festivals as those chaps seem to have a better quality stream. The first little bit uploaded was a trailer for Chodzenie – Siberia that I shot and edited for some theatre performances in London and Southend….. amongst others. there was 2 films made at 40 minutes long which were beamed onto a surface whilst some interesting dance / performance stuff went on. you can find out more at the 30 Bird site, the story that spawned the piece is nothing short of incredible.

Here’s a wee chunk that features a shot of me eating soup…….

Chodzenie – Siberia from Stuart Condy on Vimeo.

The Beautiful Bearded Men of Cinema #3

One of the many enduring images of my youth. Rubber Duck AKA Kris Kristofferson in the 1978 Sam Peckinpah flick, CONVOY.